Place value within 10 - Number lines - Presentation

Year 1
Place value within 10 - Number lines - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a comprehensive set of slides focused on place value within 10, students are introduced to the concept of a number line and how to use it to enhance their understanding of numbers. The lesson begins by exploring the meaning of terms such as 'compare' and 'order', setting the stage for activities that require students to engage with these concepts in practical ways. The first activity presents a number line from 1 to 10, prompting students to identify and mark specific numbers, such as circling the number 8, underlining a number greater than 8, drawing an arrow to the number one less than 4, and boxing the smallest number. These tasks help solidify the students' grasp of numerical order and relative values.

Subsequent activities build on this foundation, extending the number line to include 0 and asking students to count jumps from zero to a given number, such as nine, and compare this to the number of jumps to ten. This helps to reinforce the concept of distance on a number line. Further exercises involve labelling a number line with given numbers in the correct order, enhancing students' ability to place values accurately. The slides also introduce a game involving dice to develop reasoning about ordinal numbers, where students must determine the number of jumps to 0 or 10 from a rolled number and discuss which is closer. The lesson concludes with independent work where students are tasked with correctly placing numbers on a number line, encouraging them to think critically about the start and end points of a number line, the representation of each mark, and the direction of jumps when finding one more or less.

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