Adding and Subtracting Fractions - PowerPoint

Year 5
Adding and Subtracting Fractions - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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This educational resource is designed for Year 5 pupils to enhance their understanding of fractions, specifically focusing on adding and subtracting fractions. The lessons begin with a recap of what fractions are: equal parts of a whole, which could be an object or a number. Pupils are reminded that the top number of a fraction, the numerator, indicates how many parts are being considered, while the bottom number, the denominator, shows into how many parts the whole is divided. The initial activities make adding fractions with the same denominator straightforward by adding the numerators together, while keeping the denominator unchanged. Pupils are encouraged to simplify their answers and convert any improper fractions into mixed numbers.

As the lessons progress, students are introduced to the concept of common denominators, which is necessary when adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators. The process involves finding the lowest common multiple of the denominators to convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with a common denominator before performing the addition or subtraction. Students are guided through this process with clear examples and are reminded to always simplify their answers. The resource includes various worksheets and word problems to practice these skills, ensuring that pupils can apply what they've learned in practical scenarios. The exercises encourage students to reduce fractions to their simplest form and to express improper fractions as mixed numbers.