Numbers up to 3 Decimal Places - PowerPoint

Year 6
Numbers up to 3 Decimal Places - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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This educational resource is centred around the concept of decimal numbers up to three decimal places, focusing on the place value of digits within these numbers. It begins by defining a digit as any number from 0 to 9, explaining that the value of a digit is determined by its position in a number. The material then delves into the specifics of decimal place value, identifying the tenths, hundredths, and thousandths positions immediately following the decimal point. It emphasizes the importance of understanding that decimal fractions are simply another way of representing equal parts of a whole number, with the value of each part depending on its column position, whether it be tenths, hundredths, or thousandths.

Students are encouraged to explore the concept of decimal place value through various interactive activities. They learn to create their own numbers with three decimal places by selecting digits from given rows, which helps to reinforce the value of each decimal place. The resource also includes exercises for identifying digits in the hundreds and hundredths places, as well as the thousands and thousandths places, in given numbers. Additionally, there are challenges that involve arranging decimal numbers in ascending order and completing calculations by multiplying or dividing by powers of ten. These activities are designed to deepen students' understanding of decimal numbers and their place values, providing a solid foundation for further mathematical learning.

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