Multiply by Twelve - Worksheet

Year 3 - Year 4
Multiply by Twelve - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Multiply by Twelve" worksheet is a maths resource designed to help students practice their multiplication skills, specifically focusing on multiplying various numbers by twelve. The worksheet presents a series of multiplication questions that require students to calculate the product of single-digit and two-digit numbers when multiplied by twelve. The numbers range from zero to twelve, providing a comprehensive set of examples for students to work through. This exercise is an excellent way for learners to become familiar with the twelve times table and to reinforce their arithmetic proficiency.

Accompanying the worksheet is a creative "Multiply by Twelve" activity, where students complete a 'times twelve flower'. Each petal of the flower features a number which students must multiply by twelve, filling in the centre of the flower with the correct answers. This engaging visual aid not only makes learning multiplication more enjoyable but also serves as a helpful tool for memorising the twelve times table. Additionally, the resource includes an answer sheet with the correct products of the numbers when multiplied by twelve, which can be used to create flash cards. These cards are intended to be cut out and folded over to reveal the answer, providing an interactive and effective way for students to test their knowledge in a classroom setting.

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