Multiply by Eight - PowerPoint

Year 3 - Year 4
Multiply by Eight - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In this engaging Year 3 maths resource, students are encouraged to practice and master the skill of multiplying by eight. The lesson starts with a clear objective: to learn and become proficient at multiplying various numbers by eight. The teaching materials provide visual aids and examples to help children understand the concept. For instance, the lesson illustrates that two groups of eight oranges amount to sixteen, which can be represented by the multiplication sentence 2 x 8 = 16. This methodical approach is extended to other numbers, demonstrating the process step by step, from 0 x 8, which equals zero, to 12 x 8, which equals ninety-six.

The resource includes several top tips to help students remember the multiplication table for eight. It emphasises that all products are even numbers and that they can be easily found by doubling the answers from the multiplication table of four. For example, if 3 x 4 is twelve, then 3 x 8 will be twenty-four, which is double twelve. To reinforce learning, the resource suggests a classroom activity where students answer multiplication questions involving eight and participate in a game to create a chain of correct answers. Additionally, there are worksheets provided, such as the 'Multiply by Eight Worksheet', where students fill in the blanks, and the 'Multiply by Eight Worksheet 2', which features a flower with petals that need to be completed by multiplying the numbers by eight. These interactive materials are designed to make learning the multiplication table of eight both fun and memorable.

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