Counting in Multiples of Eight - PowerPoint

Year 3
Counting in Multiples of Eight - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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This engaging set of PowerPoint slides and worksheets is designed to help Year 3 students master counting in multiples of eight, a key aspect of the number and place value curriculum. The interactive presentation encourages students to count out loud from zero to ninety-six, reinforcing their understanding of the number sequence in eights. Each slide presents a number in the sequence, starting with zero, then eight, and continuing in increments of eight, challenging the students to find the next number before time runs out. The sequence is aimed at aiding students in recognising patterns and gaining fluency in skip counting.

To further support the learning process, accompanying worksheets are provided for students to practice filling in the missing numbers within sequences of multiples of eight. These exercises are designed to consolidate the students' skills in identifying and continuing the patterns of counting in eights. For example, given a sequence starting with sixteen followed by a blank, then twenty-four, students are expected to deduce that the missing number is thirty-two. To assist both teachers and students in assessing their understanding, an answer sheet is also available, which reveals the correct number sequences, ensuring that the learning objectives are met and any misconceptions are addressed.

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