Counting in 9s - Worksheet

Maths Resource Description
The "Counting in 9s" worksheet is an engaging and educational resource that combines the fun of a maze with the challenge of number sequences. It is a creative way for children to practice their multiplication and counting skills by helping a pirate navigate through a maze to find hidden treasure. The task requires students to colour the path that correctly counts in multiples of nine. Starting from zero, the path will include numbers like 9, 18, 27, and so on, leading up to 108. The unique aspect of this maze is that students are allowed to move in diagonal directions as well, adding an extra layer of complexity to the task.
The worksheet is peppered with various numbers scattered throughout the maze, and it is up to the students to identify the correct sequence of numbers that count in nines. This not only reinforces their understanding of the nine times table but also encourages them to apply logical reasoning to find the correct pathway. The activity is designed to be both fun and challenging, with the added satisfaction of helping the fictional pirate reach the treasure by successfully completing the maze. This resource is a creative way to make learning multiplication more interactive and enjoyable for students.