Counting in 6s to 72 - PowerPoint

Year 4
Counting in 6s to 72 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In a vibrant and engaging PowerPoint presentation designed for Year 4 students, the focus is on mastering the skill of counting in 6s up to the number 72. The lesson is structured to encourage practice in skip counting, which is a fundamental aspect of number and place value in the maths curriculum. Students are presented with a sequence of numbers, starting from 0, and are prompted to add 6 to each subsequent number to continue the pattern. For example, starting with 6, the next numbers in the sequence would be 12, 18, 24, and so on. The presentation aims to help students recognise the pattern that emerges when counting in 6s and to become fluent in this counting method.

To aid in the retention of this concept, the presentation provides top tips for remembering the 6 times table, highlighting that all products are even numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. It also points out that these numbers are multiples of 3 and can be divided by 3, with the sum of their digits always equalling 3, 6, or 9. A handy strategy is shared, which involves multiplying the number by 3 and then doubling the result to find the answer to a 6 times calculation. The interactive nature of the lesson is further enhanced with timed challenges where students are given three seconds to find the next number in the sequence, and a worksheet is provided for additional practice in filling in the missing numbers in a sequence of counting in 6s.

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