Comparing Lengths and Heights - PowerPoint

Year 1
Comparing Lengths and Heights - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a comprehensive set of teaching resources, students are invited to explore and practice the concepts of comparing and ordering different lengths and heights. The lesson begins with a clear objective: to learn the appropriate vocabulary and methods for describing and determining the relative sizes of various objects. Through a series of engaging visuals, students are shown examples of objects, such as pencils, where they can visually discern which is longer or shorter. The materials use simple, relatable comparisons to illustrate these concepts, enhancing the learning experience by making abstract measurements more concrete and understandable.

The resources further challenge students to apply their understanding by arranging objects in order from shortest to longest or tallest to shortest. This includes a range of items from everyday life, such as ladders, trains, and pencils, to more whimsical elements like crocodiles, worms, and rockets. To ensure accurate comparison, the resources also teach students how to align objects at a common point before making their assessments. This practical approach helps students to develop their spatial awareness and measurement skills. The lesson concludes with interactive activities where students can cut out and order pictures, reinforcing their learning through hands-on experience and ensuring they grasp the concept of comparing lengths and heights effectively.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary