Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint

Year 2
Equivalent Fractions - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Resource Description

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In Year 2 maths, students embark on a journey to understand the concept of equivalent fractions through a series of engaging teaching resources. The lesson's objective is to introduce the idea that fractions can be different yet represent the same value. For instance, the lesson focuses on the equivalence of one half and two quarters. Students are taught that these fractions, although they look different, actually shade the same amount when visualised, making them equal in value.

The teaching materials utilise bar models to visually demonstrate the equivalence between one half and two quarters, aiding students in grasping this fundamental concept. To reinforce their learning, students are encouraged to participate in interactive activities, such as matching shapes to their equivalent fractions and sorting shaded shapes based on whether they are equivalent to one half or not. Additionally, the resources include worksheets where students draw lines to connect shapes and amounts to their corresponding equivalent fractions, with answers provided to facilitate self-assessment and ensure a solid understanding of the topic.

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