Numbers in Words - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Numbers in Words - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Numbers in Words" PowerPoint is an educational resource created by Teacher of Primary, aimed at helping primary school students practice reading and matching numbers up to 100 in both numeral and word forms. The PowerPoint presentation includes a series of slides where each slide presents a number in word format alongside five numerals. Students are tasked with identifying the correct numeral that matches the given word. This interactive activity is designed to enhance the students' numerical literacy and their ability to convert between different representations of numbers.

To complement the PowerPoint, there are also worksheets provided where students must choose the correct numeral corresponding to a number written in words. Each worksheet presents a list of numbers in words, such as 'eighty three', 'thirty six', and 'ninety nine', and students must select the accurate numeral from a given set of options. This exercise not only reinforces their understanding of number words but also sharpens their attention to detail. Additionally, there is an activity where students are required to arrange a series of numbers in word form in ascending order, further solidifying their grasp of numerical order and value.

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