Halloween Numbers to 20 - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Halloween Numbers to 20 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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A captivating Halloween-themed PowerPoint presentation has been crafted for Year 1 pupils to enhance their number and place value skills, specifically focusing on numbers up to 20. The interactive slides are designed to help children match numerical digits to their corresponding word forms. Each slide presents a challenge where a number is displayed and students must select the matching word from a list of options. This engaging activity not only reinforces number recognition but also strengthens the connection between written numbers and their word equivalents.

In addition to matching numbers to words, the presentation also includes slides where the roles are reversed, and pupils must match words to the correct numerical figures. To add a touch of festive fun, children are invited to colour cauldrons that correspond with the numbers or words displayed. This hands-on activity is perfect for developing fine motor skills alongside mathematical understanding. The PowerPoint culminates with worksheet tasks where students write down the number that matches a given word and vice versa, thereby consolidating their learning in a written format. This comprehensive approach to teaching numbers ensures that children develop a robust foundation in number recognition and place value within a delightful Halloween setting.

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