Comparing Numbers Up to 100 - PowerPoint

Year 2
Comparing Numbers Up to 100 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a set of engaging maths teaching resources, Year 2 students are introduced to the concept of comparing two-digit numbers up to 100. The lesson plan focuses on using symbols for greater than, less than, and equals to compare quantities. The equals symbol, represented by '=', is explained as a way to show that two quantities are the same, with examples provided such as '1 + 1 = 2' and '3 = 3'. Students are encouraged to choose the correct symbol to compare numbers through a series of exercises.

The lesson also covers the greater than '>' and less than '<' symbols, teaching students how to determine which of two quantities is larger or smaller. The greater than symbol is used to identify the larger amount, with the visual aid of imagining the symbol as an open mouth always wanting to eat the bigger number, as illustrated by '18 > 12'. Conversely, the less than symbol is used for the smaller amount, with the same visualisation technique, for example, '12 < 18'. Students practice applying these concepts through worksheets where they must circle the correct answer, reinforcing their ability to compare numbers effectively.

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