Counting Ladybirds - PowerPoint

Counting Ladybirds - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a vibrant and engaging set of teaching resources designed for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) maths, young learners are encouraged to practice counting up to 10 through a theme of counting ladybirds. The resources include a PowerPoint presentation that guides children through the process of counting these charming insects on each slide. The presentation is interactive and comes with an invitation to listen to a counting song, which helps to reinforce the numerical concepts in a fun and musical way.

Complementing the PowerPoint are worksheets that further develop counting skills. Children are asked to count the number of ladybirds in each box and record their answers, allowing for both recognition and writing of numbers. To deepen understanding, one of the worksheets prompts learners to identify the odd one out in a group, count the spots on each ladybird, and practice writing numbers from 1 to 10. For a creative touch, there's also a ladybird colouring page that provides a relaxing activity while still keeping the counting theme alive. These resources are thoughtfully designed to make learning about numbers both enjoyable and educational for young children.

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