Counting Hippos - Worksheet

Counting Hippos - Worksheet
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "Counting Hippos" worksheets are a set of engaging maths teaching resources designed to help young learners practice their counting skills. In the first worksheet, children are presented with several boxes, each containing a group of hippos. The task is to count the number of hippos in each box and record the total. This activity helps to reinforce number recognition and counting in a fun and interactive way, with the friendly hippo characters adding an element of enjoyment to the learning process.

Additional worksheets in the "Counting Hippos" series introduce a colourful twist to counting by asking students to count hippos of specific colours, such as red, purple, blue, green, pink, and orange. This not only aids in colour recognition but also enhances the child's ability to sort and categorise while counting. Another worksheet in the series includes an activity where children are instructed to colour a certain number of hippos in specified colours, combining the skill of counting with the creativity of colouring. For those seeking to verify their answers, an answer sheet is provided, ensuring that children can check their work and teachers can facilitate easy marking.

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