CanDo21 Mats - 6x7
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
AI generated

The CanDo21 Mats offer a multifaceted approach to reinforcing mathematical concepts for students, focusing on the number 42 and its relationship to the factors 6 and 7. The mat encourages students to delve deeper into various mathematical areas such as place value for whole numbers, decimals, and fractions. It challenges them to consider the properties of numbers, asking them to evaluate statements like whether 42 is a prime number and to justify their reasoning. Through a series of thought-provoking questions, the mat guides learners to explore multiplication and division relationships, using visual aids like arrays and number lines to enhance understanding.

The mat includes a range of exercises designed to develop fluency and reasoning skills. Students are prompted to fill in the blanks in equations that result in the number 42, encouraging them to draw on their knowledge of multiplication and division facts. They are also asked to scale numbers up and down, work with decimal place value, and solve real-world problems, such as determining how many egg boxes a farmer can fill with a given number of eggs. The exercises are designed to be interactive and to stimulate discussion, with questions like "What's the question?" where students must determine the missing elements in an equation. These activities not only solidify the students' understanding of number relationships but also encourage them to think critically and make connections between different mathematical concepts.