CanDo21 Mats - 3x8
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths
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The CanDo21 Mats provide a structured approach to reinforcing mathematical concepts across various topics, including place value, fractions, and operations with whole numbers and decimals. For instance, when exploring place value with whole numbers, students might encounter exercises that challenge them to deepen their understanding by identifying the value of digits in different positions or comparing and ordering numbers. Similarly, activities under the 'Fractions' section would engage students in tasks related to fraction equivalence, addition, subtraction, and conversion between mixed numbers and improper fractions.

Activities such as 'Double or divide it', 'draw it', and 'derive it' encourage students to apply their knowledge in practical ways. For example, they might be asked to double a given number or find a related division fact, thus strengthening their mental arithmetic skills. The mats also prompt critical thinking through questions like "If I know 24 ÷ 3 = 8, what is 3 x 8?" or "Do you agree that double 3 x 4 is the same as 3 x 8?" Visual aids such as bars, arrays, and number lines support the understanding of multiplication and division concepts. The mats include problem-solving scenarios where students must apply their mathematical knowledge to real-life situations, such as calculating the number of trays needed to pack boxes or determining how many triangles can be formed from a set number of sticks. These activities cater to different levels of proficiency, aiming to build confidence and competence in mathematics.