SATs Pack 5

Year 6
SATs Pack 5
Get The Buzz
Get The Buzz

Maths Resource Description

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The SATs Pack 5 from Buzzard Publishing offers a variety of mathematical challenges designed to help Year 6 students prepare for their Key Stage 2 SATs. These exercises include filling in missing digits to complete addition and subtraction problems correctly. For example, students might be presented with a partially completed addition sum and must determine the missing numbers to ensure the total is accurate. Similarly, they are tasked with identifying missing digits in subtraction equations to validate the result. The exercises are crafted to enhance students' numerical fluency and reinforce their understanding of basic arithmetic operations.

Additionally, the pack includes problem-solving activities that require logical reasoning and application of mathematical concepts. Students are given digit cards and must construct numbers that meet specific criteria, such as creating a two-digit number and a single-digit number that, when multiplied, result in an odd multiple of five. Other exercises involve division, where students must form a two-digit number divided by a single-digit number to achieve a square number result. The pack also challenges students with questions about number properties, asking them to find pairs of numbers that are odd and square, prime and a multiple of seven, or cube and square with specified sums or differences. These activities are aimed at deepening students' understanding of number properties and relationships.