9 Times Tables -  Box It
Get The Buzz
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"Box It" is an engaging and educational game designed to help children practice and reinforce their knowledge of the 9 times tables. To set up the game, you will need a set of counters, a "Multiples of 9 Board" which features numbers that are multiples of 9, and a deck of cards with numbers ranging from 0 to 12. The game begins with players shuffling the number cards and placing them face down on the table. Players then take turns to draw a card, multiply the number on the card by nine, and place a counter on the corresponding multiple on the board.

The objective of the game is to be the first player to create a specific pattern on the board with the counters. For a quick game, the goal is to cover four numbers that form a 2 by 2 square. If you're in the mood for a longer game, you can aim to cover six numbers in a 2 by 3 rectangle. For instance, if a player picks up a card with the number 4, they would cover the number 36 on the board as 4 times 9 equals 36. If all instances of a player's number have already been covered on the board, the player sets that card aside and takes another turn. The game is a fun way to enhance multiplication skills and strategic thinking, as players must decide the best placement for their counters to achieve the winning pattern.