8 Times Tables -  Box Up
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Box Up is an engaging and educational game designed to help players practice their 8 times tables in a fun and interactive way. Players will need a set of counters, a board with multiples of 8, and a deck of cards numbered from 0 to 12. To begin, the cards are shuffled and laid face down on the table. Players take turns to draw a card and then multiply the number on the card by eight. The resulting product is the number they must cover on the board using a counter. For instance, if a player picks up a card with the number 4, they must cover the number 32 on the board, since 4 times 8 equals 32. If the specific multiple of 8 is already covered on the board, the player sets the card aside and takes another turn.

The objective of the game is to be the first to cover a specific pattern of numbers on the board. In the standard version of the game, the winner is the first to cover a 2 by 2 box. For a longer game, players aim to cover a 2 by 3 box to win. This game not only reinforces multiplication skills but also encourages strategic thinking as players decide where to place their counters to achieve the winning pattern. Box Up is a versatile and enjoyable way for children and adults alike to improve their understanding of the 8 times tables, making it a valuable addition to any classroom or home learning environment.