2 Times Tables - Box It

Maths Resource Description
"Box It" is a fun and educational game designed to help reinforce the 2 times table for children. The game requires a set of counters, a 'Multiples of 2' board featuring numbers from the 2 times table up to 24, and a deck of cards with numbers ranging from 0 to 12. To begin, the cards are shuffled and placed face down on the table. Players take turns to draw a card, multiply the number by two, and then cover the corresponding answer on the board with a counter. For instance, if a player picks up a card with the number 5, they would cover the number 10 on the board, as 5 multiplied by 2 equals 10.
The objective of the game is to be the first player to cover a specific pattern of numbers on the board. In the standard version of the game, the winner is the first to cover four numbers forming a 2 by 2 box. For a longer game, the goal can be adjusted to covering six numbers in a 2 by 3 box. If a player picks up a card and all possible answers on the board are already covered, they set the card aside and take another turn. "Box It" is not only engaging but also a practical way for children to practice and memorize their 2 times tables, making learning a hands-on and competitive experience.