
Year 5 - Year 6
Get The Buzz
Get The Buzz
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In the "Get the Buzz! Problem Solving for Key Stage 2", students are invited to apply their knowledge of shapes and their properties to solve various mathematical challenges. In one of the exercises, a character named Will selects five shapes from a bag containing triangular prisms and cubes. The task for the students is to determine which combination of these shapes could total 34 vertices. They are encouraged to explore different combinations and observe the patterns that emerge. The problems extend to considering different numbers of shapes and the introduction of hexagonal based pyramids, prompting students to think critically about the relationships between shapes and their vertex counts.

Another section of the workbook, titled "Shape Mix", presents students with a creative task involving pentagons, hexagons, septagons, and octagons arranged in a design. The challenge here is to determine the possible combinations of three shapes that could be removed by Eric, exploring the numerous outcomes that can arise from different selections. These exercises not only test the students' understanding of geometric properties but also encourage them to develop their problem-solving skills through the use of addition, multiplication, and logical reasoning. The workbook is a collection of engaging and educational activities designed to enhance students' mathematical abilities in a fun and interactive way.