Place Value Problems

Year 1 - Year 2
Place Value Problems
Get The Buzz
Get The Buzz
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In the "Greedy Cats" problem, Key Stage 1 students are challenged to divide 18 treats among three cats, with the stipulation that each cat must eat a different even number of treats. This exercise encourages children to think critically about number distribution and the properties of even numbers. A twist is added to the problem by changing the total number of treats to 17 and requiring that each cat eats a different odd number of treats, further testing the students' problem-solving skills and understanding of odd numbers.

The "Stamps" problem presents a scenario where Jade has a mix of 1p and 10p stamps, which she uses to stick on a parcel. Students are asked to consider the different possible total values for seven stamps, exploring the concept of place value in a practical context. The problem extends to consider what the new total value might be if two stamps were to fall off the parcel. Another variation of the problem involves starting with six stamps and then losing three, prompting students to think about the different combinations and their corresponding values, thus reinforcing their grasp of place value and addition.