Double or Halve

Maths Resource Description
The game "Double or Halve" is an engaging mathematical activity aimed at teaching children how to effortlessly double and halve numbers. To play, each participant requires a 0-9 dice and a blank number line that ranges from 0 to 200. Players take turns rolling the dice to generate a two-digit number. Once they have their number, they must decide whether to double it or halve it, and then pinpoint the result on the number line. For instance, if a player rolls a 76, they could double it to get 152 or halve it to get 38, plotting the respective outcome on the line.
The objective of the game is to be the first player to successfully plot four of their results on the number line without any of the opposing player's points interrupting the sequence. An interesting observation for players to note is that doubling a number always yields an even result. A helpful strategy for doubling or halving numbers is to partition them into tens and units before performing the operation, and then combine the doubled or halved values to find the final answer. For example, to double 67, which is 60 plus 7, one would double each part to get 120 plus 14, resulting in 134. Conversely, to halve 94, which is 90 plus 4, halving each part gives 45 plus 2, resulting in 47. This mathematical game not only sharpens arithmetic skills but also enhances strategic thinking.