Sums and Differences

Maths Resource Description
In this engaging mathematical activity, the objective is for students to practice adding and subtracting multiples of ten. To participate, each player will require a set of dice that either display multiples of ten or the digits 0 through 9, along with a blank number line ranging from 0 to 200. The game is designed to reinforce the understanding of place value and the relationship between single-digit addition and subtraction facts and their corresponding multiples of ten.
The rules of the game are straightforward: players take turns rolling the dice to generate two multiples of ten. They must then decide whether to add these numbers together or subtract one from the other. Once they have calculated the total or the difference, they plot the result on the number line. For example, if a player rolls a 50 and an 80, they could either add them to find the total, which is 130, or subtract to find the difference, which is 30, and then mark the respective number on the line. The goal is to be the first player to have four of their plotted points on the number line without any points from the opponent in between them. This game not only helps to solidify basic arithmetic skills but also highlights the connection between simple addition and subtraction and operations involving larger numbers.