Share or Group

Games & Quizzes
Year 1 - Year 2
Share or Group
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A hands-on game designed to teach the concept of division by 5 through sharing and grouping involves using cubes or small items as counters. Players take turns to grab a random number of cubes, then decide whether to 'share' by distributing the cubes evenly into 5 groups or to 'group' by forming as many groups of 5 as possible from their handful. In both cases, any cubes that cannot be evenly divided are kept by the player as their score. For example, if a player has 17 cubes and opts to group by 5, they would end up with 3 complete groups and 2 leftover cubes, which would be their score for that round.

The objective of the game is to accumulate the most cubes after five rounds. This activity not only reinforces the division process but also the importance of creating equal groups. As an extension, players are encouraged to discuss the differences between sharing into 5 groups and grouping into groups of 5, as well as the necessity of equal group sizes. For added challenge and variety, players can also try dividing by numbers other than 5, further expanding their mathematical understanding and skills in a fun, interactive way.