Round to 10

Maths Resource Description
The 'Round to 10' game is an engaging educational activity designed to help learners understand and practice the concept of rounding numbers to the nearest ten. This game requires a 0-9 dice, a Tens board, and counters for each player. The objective of the game is to familiarise students with the idea that numbers ending in 1, 2, 3, or 4 round down to the lower ten, while those ending in 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 round up to the higher ten. For instance, if a player rolls the dice and the two digits form the number 45, the player would then place a counter on the number 50 on the Tens board. Conversely, if the number 44 is thrown, the player would cover the number 40 with a counter.
To win the game, players take turns rolling the dice and rounding the resulting two-digit number. They must strategically place their counters on the Tens board with the aim of being the first to cover four numbers in a straight line, which could be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. The game also encourages discussion and reasoning about the position of numbers within the tens, such as determining that 63 is closer to 60 than to 70, and therefore would be rounded down. This simple yet effective game not only reinforces mathematical rounding skills but also promotes critical thinking and strategy among players.