Bundle - Tens and Units

Games & Quizzes
Year 1 - Year 2
Bundle - Tens and Units
Get The Buzz
Get The Buzz
AI generated

The "Bundle" game is an engaging activity designed to help children grasp the concept of tens and units in a hands-on manner. To start playing, each participant will need a 0-9 dice and a collection of plastic drinking straws, along with a few elastic bands to group them together. The aim of the game is to begin understanding how to count and group items into tens and units, which is a fundamental aspect of numerical literacy.

During the game, players take turns rolling the dice and then collect the corresponding number of straws. For example, if a player rolls a 7, they would gather 7 straws. Each player has three turns to accumulate straws, and as soon as they gather a total of ten, they use an elastic band to bundle these ten straws together, representing a 'ten'. Any additional straws are counted as 'units'. For instance, if a player has 13 straws, this would be shown as one bundle of ten and three extra units. After each turn, players write down the total number of straws they have. The player with the most straws at the end of the game wins. Throughout the game, there is an emphasis on discussing the number of straws each player has, how many more are needed to make a bundle, and the concept of tens and units, where ten straws equal one bundle and are notated as '10', meaning 1 ten and 0 units.