Add mixed and proper same denominator mixed number answer

Maths Resource Description
The materials provided are part of a mathematics educational resource focused on teaching students how to add mixed numbers with the same denominator. The exercises are designed to help students practice and understand the concept of combining whole numbers and fractions that share a common denominator to form a sum that may be expressed as either a mixed number or a proper fraction. The content is structured to facilitate learning through a series of steps, ensuring that students can confidently handle mixed number addition before moving on to more complex fraction operations.
These resources, taken from CanDoFractions by Buzzard Publishing, include a variety of activities to engage students and build their proficiency. The activities likely include visual aids, such as fraction bars or circles, to help students visualize the process of adding fractions. By working through these exercises, students are expected to become adept at identifying the sum of mixed numbers and writing the answer in its simplest form, whether it be a proper fraction or a mixed number with the same denominator. The resource emphasizes the importance of understanding the relationship between whole numbers and fractions to ensure a solid foundation in mathematics.