Solve problems using percentage and decimal equivalents

Maths Resource Description
In the ArithmeKit 5.24 exercises from Buzzard Publishing's CanDoMaths ArithmeKit, students are challenged to deepen their understanding of the relationship between percentages, decimals, and fractions. The tasks begin by asking students to write equivalent fractions for given percentages, such as 30%, 70%, and 10%, and then for 40%, 80%, and 20%. They are also tasked with converting decimals like 0.5, 0.75, and 0.25 into fractions expressed as hundredths and then simplifying them to their lowest form. This exercise encourages students to notice patterns and relationships between these different numerical representations.
Further activities involve matching pairs where students must connect percentages with their equivalent decimals, such as pairing 75% with 0.75 or 25% with 0.25. They are also invited to identify and correct misconceptions, such as whether 1/5 is equal to 5% or 1/4 equals 14%. The exercises extend to converting decimals into percentages and vice versa, for example, converting 0.37 to 37% or 67% to 0.67. Creative problem-solving is encouraged, with students being asked to create their own matching pairs problems and to use digits 0-9 to complete percentage and decimal equivalency statements. This comprehensive set of problems not only reinforces mathematical concepts but also hones critical thinking and problem-solving skills.