Subtract decimal numbers using efficient written or mental methods

Maths Resource Description
The ArithmeKit 5 from Buzzard Publishing's CanDoMaths series offers a comprehensive approach to teaching students how to subtract decimal numbers using both written and mental methods. The kit encourages learners to explore different techniques for subtraction, such as counting on, adjusting, and the formal written method. It challenges them to determine which method is most efficient for a given calculation. For example, students are asked to subtract numbers like 7.01 from 6.89 and compare the efficiency of the methods used. They are also tasked with listing additional calculations where each method proves to be the most effective, thereby deepening their understanding of numerical operations and their practical applications.
Further exercises within the kit include matching questions to their correct answers, creating their own matching pairs, and solving problems with missing digits. These activities foster critical thinking and help students develop confidence in handling decimal numbers. The ArithmeKit also touches upon the use of mental methods, which include solving problems 'in your head' or with minimal jottings, and it poses reflective questions about the ease and appropriateness of different methods for subtracting decimals, such as whether it's easier to subtract 4.9 from any number using a mental method. The provided exercises, such as 4.6 - 3.55 = 1.X5, encourage students to apply their knowledge and reason through numerical challenges.