Subtract numbers with more than 4 digits using efficient written or mental methods

Year 5
Subtract numbers with more than 4 digits using efficient written or mental methods
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths

Maths Resource Description

AI generated

The ArithmeKit, a resource from CanDoMaths, provides a comprehensive approach to teaching students how to subtract numbers with more than four digits, using both written and mental methods. The material helps students determine which method is most efficient for a given calculation. For example, simpler subtractions such as 80000-6999 might be quickly solved mentally, while more complex ones like 97846-13524 likely require a written approach. The kit encourages the use of different strategies, including counting on, adjusting, and the formal written method, and challenges students to compare the efficiency of these methods through a variety of exercises.

Additionally, the ArithmeKit includes problem-solving with negative numbers and tasks that require students to fill in missing digits, fostering a deeper understanding of number relationships and subtraction concepts. It prompts learners to create their own calculations where mental methods are most efficient, enhancing their arithmetic skills and confidence. The kit also contains a series of calculations for students to practice, providing immediate feedback by including the answers, which helps them to self-assess and correct any errors in their methods or understanding.

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