Solve problems with negative numbers

Maths Resource Description
In this engaging mathematics activity from the ArithmeKit 5.1, students are invited to explore the concept of negative numbers through a series of problems that require them to count backwards and forwards from both positive and negative starting points. For example, beginning with the number 4 and counting backwards by 4 leads to the end number -4, while starting at -2 and counting backwards by 7 ends at -9. These exercises not only help students understand the operation of subtraction with negative numbers but also the process of counting across zero.
Further challenges prompt learners to calculate simple subtractions, like 5 – 4, and more complex ones involving negative numbers, such as -5 – 4, to observe patterns in the results. The problems also debunk common misconceptions, like the statement from a character named Colin who incorrectly claims that one cannot subtract a larger number from a smaller one. The activity proves this false by showing that negative results are indeed possible and meaningful within the context of negative numbers. Additionally, students are tasked with creating their own problems and using number lines to visually demonstrate the comparisons between different subtractions, enhancing their understanding of the relationships between numbers in a fun and interactive way.