Find Three Quarters of objects

Maths Resource Description
The concept of finding three quarters of objects is a fundamental aspect of understanding fractions, as presented in the CanDo Fractions series by Buzzard Publishing. This educational resource is designed to help children visualise and calculate fractions of different sets of objects, using a variety of symbols and shapes to represent these objects. By engaging with this material, students are encouraged to identify three quarters of a given group, enhancing their ability to work with fractional parts in a tangible and interactive way.
The exercises include a range of visual representations, such as symbols and shapes arranged in clear patterns, allowing students to count and divide these groups into quarters. Once students have determined what one quarter of the set looks like, they can then find three quarters by adding up three of these parts. This process not only aids in the comprehension of fractions but also reinforces counting and multiplication skills within the context of fractional quantities. The materials provided by Buzzard Publishing serve as a practical tool for educators to support their pupils in mastering the concept of fractions, specifically finding three quarters of a collection of items.