Arithmetic Checklist and Assessment

Year 2
Arithmetic Checklist and Assessment
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths

Maths Resource Description

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The CanDoMaths ArithmeCheck is a comprehensive checklist and assessment tool designed to gauge a student's proficiency in various arithmetic skills. It covers a range of topics, including place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For instance, students are asked to explain the concept of tens and ones in two-digit numbers, compare and order numbers up to 100, and position them on a number line. They also learn to partition numbers in different ways and use known facts to derive new ones. The checklist further assesses the ability to perform operations such as adding multiples of 10 to a two-digit number, subtracting single-digit numbers using number facts, and finding the difference between two numbers. Additionally, students are tested on their recall and use of multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5, and 10 times tables, as well as their understanding of doubling numbers, recognizing odd and even numbers, and solving problems using these concepts.

The assessment includes a variety of exercises to measure the student's understanding. In place value exercises, students fill in missing numbers and identify odd numbers out of a sequence. Addition tasks range from simple single-digit sums to adding two-digit numbers, while subtraction questions involve taking away multiples of 10 and single digits from two-digit numbers. Multiplication and division sections test the student's recall of table facts and their ability to double numbers, halve them, and solve problems through sharing and grouping. The ArithmeCheck aims to build a solid foundation in arithmetic, ensuring students are confident in their skills and ready to progress to more complex mathematical challenges. Buzzard Publishing's CanDoMaths ArithmeDo series offers this tool to support educators and students in tracking and enhancing arithmetic abilities.