Use number facts to calculate others

Maths Resource Description
The ArithmeKit 1 15 from CanDoMaths by Buzzard Publishing provides an engaging and interactive way for children to practice and apply their knowledge of number facts. In this activity, students are encouraged to use their understanding of addition and subtraction to solve a variety of problems and create their own matching pairs. For example, they are presented with simple calculations like 6 + 6 and asked to find the missing sum, or they might need to identify what's missing when given a sum like 3 + 7. This method of learning helps to reinforce the relationship between numbers and enables students to see patterns, such as the fact that adding the same number to 5 will always result in a sum greater than adding that number to 4.
The exercises also challenge students to find matching pairs, such as 6 + 4 and 7 + 3, both equalling 10, and to notice patterns in subtraction, like 10 - 4 compared to 11 - 4. This approach not only aids in memorising basic arithmetic facts but also develops critical thinking as students discern the underlying principles. Additionally, the resource encourages students to use practical methods to understand that knowing one fact, such as 10 + 10 = 20, can help them calculate related facts, like 10 + 9. The kit includes opportunities for students to create their own problems and to explore multiple solutions, fostering a deeper understanding of numbers and their properties.