Recall and use addition facts of 7

Year 1
Recall and use addition facts of 7
CanDo Maths
CanDo Maths

Maths Resource Description

AI generated

The CanDoMaths ArithmeKit provides a variety of activities to help students recall and use addition facts for the number 7. One task prompts students to observe patterns and write number sentences, such as '7 + 0 =' and '6 + 1 =', reinforcing their understanding of how different pairs of numbers add up to seven. Another activity encourages students to find matching pairs that total seven from a list that includes numbers like 0, 5, 6, 2, and so on. This helps solidify their grasp of addition facts through practical application. Additionally, learners are invited to use counters to represent the number seven in different combinations, further exploring the concept of addition within the number 7 boundary.

Challenging misconceptions, the ArithmeKit includes a task where students must refute Colin's statement that "you cannot add 2 of the same whole number together to make 7", using digits from 0 to 7 to complete diagrams and prove otherwise. This encourages critical thinking and a deeper understanding of addition. The kit also offers exercises where students must circle 'yes' or 'no' to indicate whether given pairs of numbers add up to seven, such as '2 + 5' and '3 + 4'. These activities are designed to enhance students' fluency in addition and to help them recognise the various combinations that can be used to achieve the sum of seven, thereby strengthening their numerical and problem-solving skills.

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