3D Shapes
Year 3

3D Shapes - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2

Teacher of Primary
Maths Lesson Description
Maths Teaching Resources ; 3-D Shapes ; Year 3. Year 3 Maths programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: make 3-D shapes using modelling materials; recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them In this year 3 Maths teaching resource pupils recognise and describe 3-D shapes and learn how to make 3-D models using nets. It is an ideal teaching aid to use in a class covering the year 3 curriculum objective listed above. '3-D Shapes' is an engaging 35 slide PowerPoint presentation including: Definition of a 3-D shape Describing 3-D shapes by listing their properties (faces, vertices, edges) Describing cuboids, pyramids, spheres, cones, prisms Identifying 3-D shapes by listing their properties activity Identifying 3-D shapes net activity Make your own 3-D shapes activity and accompanying worksheet Worksheet to check understanding ; '3D Shapes' Maths Teaching Resources - 3D Shapes ; Year 3
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