Telling the Time

Telling the Time - PowerPoint
Telling the Time - Worksheet
Telling the Time - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2
Telling the Time - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Maths Lesson Description

Telling the Time - Year 2 Year 2 Maths programme of study - measurement: tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times In 'Telling the Time - Year 2' pupils practise telling the time to five minutes. It is an ideal teaching aid to use during a lesson covering the year 2 measurement curriculum objectives listed above. 'Telling the Time - Year 2' is an engaging animated PowerPoint lesson containing: interactive activities with accompanying worksheets which can be used during the lesson or separately two of the worksheets are differentiated with minute intervals and without 'Telling the Time - Year 2' is completely editable so that teachers can adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching requirements. 'Telling the Time - Year 2; can be viewed in more detail by clicking on the images from the PowerPoint presentation.
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