Modern Britain and Anglo-Saxon Laws - Worksheet - Year 5

Year 5
Modern Britain and Anglo-Saxon Laws - Worksheet - Year 5
Focus Education
Focus Education
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This worksheet for Year 5 students delves into the intriguing history of Modern Britain and its legal foundations, tracing back to the era of the Anglo-Saxons. The task encourages students to conduct research to discover the extent to which contemporary British laws are derived from those established during Anglo-Saxon times. By exploring this connection, students will gain an understanding of who the Anglo-Saxons were and the lasting impact they've had on British life as it is known today.

The worksheet prompts students to investigate the mechanisms through which the Anglo-Saxons introduced law and order to Britain. This historical inquiry not only provides insights into the governance of early medieval England but also helps students appreciate the evolution of legal systems and their role in shaping society. The activity is aimed at fostering a deeper comprehension of Britain's legal heritage and the ancient origins of its civil framework, as established by the Anglo-Saxons centuries ago.