What evidence tells us that some punishments were very cruel? - Presentation

History Resource Description
Historical evidence suggests that punishments in the past were often exceedingly cruel, reflecting a stark contrast to modern justice systems. Teachers are encouraged to guide pupils through an exploration of the disciplinary knowledge surrounding 'crime and punishment' through the ages. This involves examining various instruments used historically for punishment and discussing how public executions, such as hangings, were not only commonplace but also popular events that attracted large crowds. These public spectacles of punishment served as a stark warning to others and were part of the societal norms of the time.
Pupils are tasked with researching different types of punishment instruments from bygone eras, extending their study beyond the initial examples provided. This research helps to paint a vivid picture of the historical context and the evolution of societal attitudes towards crime and punishment. By comparing these historical punishments to contemporary practices, pupils can gain a deeper understanding of the progress in human rights and the development of more humane forms of justice. The aim is for pupils to summarise their findings and reflect on the transformation of punitive measures throughout history, acknowledging the cruelty of many ancient punishments.