What did the Vikings give us? - Info pack

History Resource Description
The Vikings, a group often remembered for their seafaring and raiding, have left a lasting legacy in various aspects of modern life. Notably, they introduced the use of combs, an indication of their concern for personal grooming contrary to the popular image of unkempt warriors. The English language owes much to the Vikings, with numerous words, including 'happy', 'husband', and 'steak', having Old Norse roots. Even the days of the week bear the mark of Viking influence, with Thursday named after the Norse god Thor. Additionally, the Vikings were master shipbuilders, and their advanced techniques greatly influenced British shipbuilding, with their iconic longboats being exemplary of their skill.
Beyond language and maritime technology, the Vikings have also contributed to recreational activities and urban development. They introduced skis to Britain, a practice that originated in China but was popularised in Europe by these Norse adventurers. Dublin, now the capital of Ireland, was founded by the Vikings as 'Dubh Linn', serving as a significant base for their operations. The Vikings' love for storytelling is evident in their sagas, which are not only a rich source of Norse mythology but also a precursor to modern narrative forms. These contributions, from the cosmetic to the cultural, highlight the multifaceted impact the Vikings have had on shaping the society we know today.