Give me 3 - How homes have changed

Year 3
Give me 3 - How homes have changed
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The "Give me 3!" activity is an engaging educational challenge designed for pupils to recall and summarise key aspects of how homes have evolved over time. This task encourages students to think about the differences in various parts of the home from historical periods to the present day. For instance, they might compare Victorian kitchens, which were typically utilitarian and used for both cooking and domestic work, with the multifunctional and technologically advanced kitchens of today. Similarly, they would explore how modern-day gardens differ from those of the past, reflecting changes in leisure and landscaping trends.

Students are also prompted to consider the grandeur and social significance of Tudor banquets, contrasting them with contemporary dining practices, and to reflect on the transformation of bedrooms from simple sleeping quarters to personalised sanctuaries often equipped with modern comforts and technology. The challenge is structured as a key stage summary task, where pupils are expected to present three aspects of change for each category outlined. They have a set time of 15 minutes to complete the challenge and can earn points for each correct answer they provide, making the activity both informative and competitive.