Cops and robbers - How living rooms have changed over time

Year 3
Cops and robbers - How living rooms have changed over time
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The educational activity titled "Cops and robbers" is an interactive group exercise designed to engage pupils in a collaborative learning experience focused on the evolution of living rooms over time. In groups of four, pupils are given two minutes to jot down everything they can recall about the subject on the left side of a chart. This initial phase is dedicated to individual memory recall, encouraging students to independently document their existing knowledge about the historical changes in living room designs and functions.

Following the individual recall, each pupil is allotted 60 seconds to review the contributions of their three group members. During this phase, they are on the lookout for any new information that they haven't already noted down themselves. This mimics the 'cops and robbers' theme, where they 'steal' knowledge from their peers. After this exchange, pupils add the newly acquired information to the 'stolen knowledge' section of their chart. The activity is not only a fun way to learn from one another but also a competitive one, with each piece of information recorded earning the pupil two points. The entire exercise is designed to be completed in approximately 15 minutes, fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment that also enlightens students on how living spaces have transformed through the decades.