Link it! Prior knowledge - Homes over time - Year 3

Year 3
Link it! Prior knowledge - Homes over time - Year 3
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In preparing for a Year 3 history lesson on the evolution of homes over time, it's important to tap into the children's prior knowledge. Most children will have a clear understanding of their contemporary home environment, especially the kitchen, where they'll recognise modern conveniences such as the microwave, fridge, and dishwasher. They'll also be familiar with the presence of digital technology in their homes, like televisions, telephones, and various other gadgets that are integral to daily life. Some children might already have an awareness of historical artefacts, perhaps through exposure to older family members' homes, where they may have encountered appliances and items from earlier decades. This prior knowledge provides a valuable foundation for exploring the changes in home life throughout history.

To make the most of this existing knowledge, the lesson plan encourages children to document what they already know in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser. This exercise not only helps to activate their existing understanding but also serves as a springboard for the upcoming lessons. By linking this knowledge within the same subject, children can compare and contrast past and present living conditions. Additionally, connections can be made with other subjects, such as technology and social studies, to provide a broader context. Personal experiences shared by the children can also enrich the learning experience, as they draw parallels between their own lives and the historical content being studied. This holistic approach, championed by Focus Education, ensures a more engaging and meaningful exploration of how our homes have changed over time.