Why do we recycle? - Presentation

Year 1
Why do we recycle? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education

Geography Resource Description

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Recycling is an essential concept introduced to students as part of the Geography curriculum in Key Stage 1. It is a process that helps us understand the interdependence of physical and human geographical features, and how our actions can lead to spatial variation and change over time. The curriculum aims to make pupils competent in geographical skills, enabling them to collect, analyse, and communicate a range of data. Through the study of recycling, children begin to grasp the environmental issues our world faces, such as the problems associated with landfill sites and the importance of reducing waste.

Children learn that recycling involves treating a product so that it can be used again, contributing to environmental friendliness and sustainability. They explore the negative impact of plastics and the significance of terms like 'biodegradable', 'garbage', and 'landfill'. The curriculum also encourages students to recognise their role in promoting waste reduction and to engage in discussions about environmental issues. Furthermore, they become familiar with the reasons behind the different colours of bins and why recycling, particularly of plastics, is both necessary and challenging. This foundational knowledge allows students to link their personal experiences with the broader context of environmental stewardship.

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