Who are the people that work in the energy industry? - presentation

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The energy industry is a dynamic field that offers a variety of career paths, not just traditional roles like coal mining or working on gas platforms. This industry is increasingly focusing on 'green jobs' and sustainability, with the aim of achieving 'net zero' carbon emissions by 2050. This balance between greenhouse gases emitted and those removed from the atmosphere is essential for maintaining a healthy planet. The industry encompasses a wide range of roles, including those in renewable energy, waste and pollution reduction, eco-friendly production, conservation, and climate change adaptation. The educational content encourages pupils to understand the significance of 'net zero' and the importance of green jobs in creating a sustainable future.
Individuals in the energy sector hold diverse positions, from engineering roles in mechanical, civil, and electrical disciplines to professional services in human resources, IT, and business management. For instance, Eva, an industry representative, highlights that these jobs are open to all, challenging the stereotype that engineering is male-dominated. The sector also offers apprenticeships and degree programs, like the one Jade is undertaking to become a substation engineer, which is crucial for integrating green energy into the power network. James, the Head of Social Impact at a gas and electricity company, finds his work rewarding as it contributes to combating climate change. For those interested in joining the energy industry, researching companies, attending recruitment fairs, and networking are recommended steps to discover the exciting opportunities this sector has to offer.