Locate Kenya and locate where you live - Worksheet

Year 2
Locate Kenya and locate where you live - Worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education

Geography Resource Description

AI generated

This worksheet encourages students to develop their geographical skills by locating Kenya on a world map and identifying their own location within England on a UK map. To complete the task, learners are instructed to use resources such as an atlas or globe to find Kenya, a country in East Africa known for its diverse landscapes and wildlife. Once Kenya has been found on the world map, students are then asked to switch focus and pinpoint their own town or city on a map of England, using a map of the UK as a guide.

The activity also prompts students to reflect on cultural and geographical differences by asking them to consider how their lives might change if they were to live in Kenya. This part of the worksheet is designed to encourage critical thinking about the various physical features of Kenya, such as its savannahs, highlands, and coastal regions, and how these might contrast with the environment in which the students currently live in the UK. This exercise not only aids in developing map-reading skills but also fosters an appreciation for the diversity of global environments and lifestyles.

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