Learn To Spell Words With ‘ea’ And More Tricky Middle Sounds 7-11 years - Teacher Notes
English Resource Description
Designed for children aged 7 to 11, this educational resource focuses on mastering the art of spelling words with complex middle sounds, particularly those containing the 'ea' combination. The material is structured into challenges, with Challenge 5 titled 'Prepare For Take Off,' where students practice more words with tricky middle sounds. Challenge 6, 'Ea Is The Master Of Disguise,' delves into the various sounds 'ea' can represent, as heard in words like 'earth', 'break', 'ear', 'ready', 'wear', and 'heart'. Additionally, it provides a brief exploration of the spelling rule 'i before e, except after c', enhancing the learners' understanding of these common exceptions.
Spelling is transformed from a mundane task into an engaging activity with the help of Zoggy, a friendly alien character who guides children through the learning process. The resource comprises 12 graded spelling challenges that include spelling tests, focusing on words and sound patterns that are often problematic. Zoggy brings fun to the learning experience with cartoons, messages from his home planet Zen, and a variety of silly rhymes and mnemonics. The packs advocate a multisensory approach to learning, encouraging students to say the word, repeat rhymes, sound it out, read it, write it, and finally cover and spell it again. This method allows children to discover and utilise the learning style that best suits them, making the acquisition of spelling skills a more personalised and effective process.