Learn Spelling Rules: 'i' Before 'e' Except After 'c' (7-11 years) - Activity Pack (1)
English Resource Description
This activity pack is tailored for children aged 7 to 11 years and focuses on mastering a common English spelling rule. The rule in question is the well-known guideline that states "‘I’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’," with the important caveat that this only applies when the letter combination makes the 'ee' sound. The character Zoggy introduces the challenge, adding an element of fun and engagement to the learning process. As Zoggy participates in various athletic events, such as javelin, discus, and high jump, the question arises whether he will be successful enough to receive a medal, cleverly incorporating the spelling rule into the narrative.
The learning activity encourages children to practice the spelling rule through a "Read, Copy, Cover & Spell" exercise. A list of words is provided, including 'field', 'retrieve', 'yield', and others, which all follow the 'i' before 'e' rule, except when following a 'c'. Additionally, the activity highlights that there are exceptions to the rule, such as 'height', 'weight', and 'sleigh', which do not follow the typical sound pattern. Children are also prompted to be vigilant for further exceptions in a test that includes words like 'neither', 'their', 'leisure', and 'seize', ensuring they understand that while the rule is helpful, it is not without its irregularities.